
Join the Utah Trucking Association and Save!

The Utah Trucking Association is committed to advocating for sound legislation and regulations, enhancing safety through effective educational programs, improving efficiencies while promoting a positive image and providing a forum for networking and collaboration.

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The Utah Trucking Association’s Number One Priority Is Its Members

We are committed to providing a voice for the trucking industry and are dedicated to ensuring that laws, rules, and regulations are written and enforced in a manner that will enhance safety, improve efficiency for drivers and companies and minimize negative impacts to business.

In addition, the association offers services, products, education, and opportunities that provide members the highest benefit.  We encourage well-trained and safe drivers, help to ensure that companies are operating efficiently, and desire to have our members be responsible citizens in Utah and throughout the nation.  We provide our members with training, government and media representation, discounted goods, networking and marketing opportunities and much more.

Benefits Include:

  • Safety and general business seminars
  • Association specific publications
  • Government relations including lobbying on behalf of the trucking industry
  • Special discounts from allied members
  • A multiple employer health insurance plan
  • A large group 401(k) plan
  • Driver of the month recognition
  • Workers compensation insurance discounts
  • Networking events and involvement opportunities

We welcome new members and understand that they provide as much benefit to the association as the association offers them.


$250: First year special offer (Offer does not apply to memberships that have canceled or been written off.)   $450: 1-25 units
$700: 26-50 units
$850: 51-75 units
$12/unit: 76 or more units


$415: 50 or less Utah employees
$415: Out-of-state companies
$525: 51 or more Utah employees


The Utah Trucking Association is committed to providing services, products, education and opportunities that offer its members the highest benefit.