Where Is My Mind Set?

By: Clifford Hall

The impact of Covid – 19 on people’s spending and income and daily lives hasn’t fully come to fruition yet. Because it is really based on several factors. What kind of job loss has there been within each community at large? How long will it take that individual effected by it to recover? And what kind of alterations are going on in day to day operations? Which have taken place in businesses and personal lives.

We are all asking the same questions here. Like will we ever be able to shop again and go out to restaurants the way we used to? And most importantly, how has it affected each, individual’s mental well-being? Then behind all that is the one big question we all are on unified about. When will things get back to normal?

Have I covered that correctly so far? The wise and all seeing Zoltar machine we used to see at amusement parks and around at carnivals – which you could put a quarter in and get the answer out – says “future still uncertain.” That doesn’t mean however that things won’t improve! For as we all know America is and always has been a country of hard working and resourceful people, who even in the bleakest of times has always come through when they needed to.

Remember the banking crisis of 2008 to 2010. It had a big impact on the way Americans operated. Then there was the “Great Depression.” Both of these major life changing events as you will recall saw people losing their jobs, their homes and even broke up families over it. Which took time for the economy and people to fully recover from. But in that process, we all learned to be more cautious about spending. About how to handle our savings, our investments. Was that a bad thing? I don’t think so!

We put our priorities into managing our future. And did it by bill consolidation, by putting money away for a rainy day. And during the banking crisis we even took it a step further. We paid off unnecessary credit card debit, as well. Then worked on renegotiating auto loans to lower payments. All while we waited for things to level off.

But there was something else that came about because of this that we sometimes overlook. We all discovered our inner strength and ability to adapt when needed. Which is something I’d like to touch on today. As Wayne Dyer said, “I cannot always control what goes on outside, but I can always control what goes on inside.”

These are wise words to live by. To remember that how we handle a crisis is just as important as how we handle our reaction to it. The Marine Corp has a motto, that is taught to every recruit the moment they enter basic training. It is part of their mission statement, which is “Adapt, Improvise and Overcome.”

At first, I didn’t understand what these words really meant. Then through the years it began to sink in. Teaching me that the fortitude behind this basic ideology and the wisdom it carried as a lifegiving message. Has ingrained in me that permanent philosophy which I will be thankful for the rest of my life. For history is riddled with examples of people taking this same kind of approach to overcome obstacles they faced in different times of their lives. Showing that we can all survive some of the worst catastrophes imaginable. If we have the right mindset in place to go alone with it.

The holocaust victims of the Nazi’s concentration camps are a great example of people’s determination and inner strength. For they suffered untold abuses during their time in captivity. Yet, they survived to show that they would not be made a victim by their experience. And to make sure that in the future no one else would ever through it either.

The POW’s of every war are another example as well. Then there was the gas shortages of the mid 70’s that had people lining up at the pumps in panic. And the 1929 Black Friday, when Wall Street crashed and sent the market tumbling down.

All this has proven over and over, again the true resilience of the American spirit. And we have the same kind of examples going on right now in our own backyard today. If we are willing to open our eyes and search for it.

There are people going out as we speak right now to help their elderly neighbors who can’t get out of their homes. Doctors and nurses who are working diligently on ways to shorten the lifespan of this virus. First responders patrolling our streets to keep us safe. And our military veterans who are serving on active duty, the National Guard and in the reserves.

These are just a few of the examples happening out there. But one of the greatest unsung heroes in all of this, situation is ourselves. For we are working together as never before, joined in a common effort to support each other. Making sacrifices and giving of ourselves in the most amazing way on a daily basis. All, without realizing that we too, have been following that motto of the Marine Corp, “Adapt, Improvise and Overcome.”

We have lived the Marine “Corps Esprit De Corps,” – defined as “a feeling of pride, fellowship, and common loyalty shared by all.”

The Marine Corps Esprit De Corps is a bond that unites all Marines and their family members — regardless of race, religion, economic status, political views, or other beliefs. Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the good will always far outweigh the bad no matter what’s going on in the world.

And, since leaving the Corps, I have reflected back many times on the lessons instilled in me as a young Marine often in my post-Marine Corps career. In fact, I find that the more I progress in my business career or my personal life, the more I recognize how much I’ve learned from the Corps.

Today, in honor of the lessons learned, I’m posting this article to share just an example of one the lessons we can all reflect on together. My hope is that it will benefit you as it has me. So, lace up your boots, throw on your pack, and fall in. Because we need to pass on something positive which you took away from your last couple of months being isolated. Like;

1)     How has it impacted you in a positive way?

2)     And what did you do to overcome the negative effects of it all?

3)     Personally, I made a homemade banana splits for my wife and I.

4)     We went out to the side of the house and camped out in our 5th wheel trailer.

5)     I’ve baby sat my newborn grandson – enjoying every moment of his smiles and giggling at the faces I make.

6)     I’ve talked to my other grandson on face time to discuss learning to build light sabers when we get back together with material from Home Depot.

7)     I’ve worked on a book that I’m writing in my spare time.

8)     I’ve done grocery shopping for my 93-year-old, mother-in-law who can’t get out herself.

9)     I do wood working as a hobby.

But everything thing I do, is with one purpose in mind. That there is a light at the end of the tunnel. So, nothing can get me down, if I don’t let it. And remember most of all, let’s stay in touch with people we know and family and friends. For they are all going through the same thing you and I are, and may need our help.

May God Bless America – my he bless everyone – on this day and every day.

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