Utah Trucking Association Newsletter; January 18th, 2024

Upcoming Events:

  • February 21st, 2024: Hours of Service / Logbook Seminar (Registration Below)
  • March 11th – March 15th, 2024: CSS/CDS NATMI Training (Registration Below)
  • 18th Annual Southern Utah Trucking Association Charitable Golf Tournament (Registration Coming Soon)
  • May 8th – 10th, 2024: 2024 Management Conference & Trucking Expo (Registration Coming Soon)
  • June 6th – 8th, 2024: (Save the Date): UTA Truck Driving Championship


  • We are still working on updating our membership benefits page. Anyone who feels like they have information that would be beneficial to all UTA members, please email Jon Boyer at jon@utahtrucking.com with the information you would like to submit.
  • (Coming Soon): Driver of the Month Applications will be updated and all submitted online.
  • (Coming Soon): 2024 SUTA Scholarship Applications will be updated and all submitted online.

Special Offers:

Events and Announcements:  


Samba Safety

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month


Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act

Trucking Reacts to Biden Administration’s Independent Contractor Rule and Renomination of Julie Su

CARB barred from collecting fees for reefer unit New Law Will Reclassify Independent Contractors as Employees 

The Biden administration has adopted a federal law that compels businesses to reclassify independent contractors as employees, a move that trucking industry stakeholders view as a restriction on how thousands of truck drivers make a living.

CVSA Kicks Off Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative 

Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s five-day annual awareness and outreach effort to educate commercial motor vehicle drivers, motor carriers, law enforcement officers, and the general public about the crime of human trafficking, the signs to look for, and what to do if you suspect someone is being trafficked.

CARB Sets April 1 Effective Date for ‘Smog Check’ Regulation 

The California Air Resources Board announced that its new Clean Truck Check program, which will require truck owners operating in the state to submit to periodic emissions testing, will take effect beginning April 1. CARB has already extended the reporting deadline for owners to register their trucks in the Clean Truck Check Vehicle Inspection System (CTC-VIS) and pay a $30-per-vehicle compliance fee through Jan. 31. The original deadline was Dec. 31.

Fines for FMCSA Regs Violations Increased 

The Department of Transportation on Thursday published a final rule announcing increased fines for its agencies, including the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration — an annual move required by the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act Improvements Act. The new fine amounts for FMCSA, which can be seen here are effective immediately.

FMCSA Misses December Deadline on CMV Speed Limiter Ruling 

December came and went without the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration issuing a ruling on its proposal to add speed limiters to most commercial vehicles. The U.S. Department of Transportation had said that Dec. 29 was its target date. Now, it’s unclear how long it will take. The comment period on the speed limiter proposal ended in July 2022 with more than 15,000 respondents — most opposed to the measure.

ATRI Seeks Truck Driver Input on Challenges Faced by Female Drivers 

A new survey launched by the American Transportation Research Institute seeks to identify what both women and men truck drivers believe are the barriers to entry for female truck drivers. Truck drivers can complete the confidential survey online at ATRI’s website. This survey will remain open until Feb. 2, 2024.

ATA: Truck Tonnage Dips in November

“It seems like every time freight improves, it takes a step back the following month,” ATA’s chief economist reports. “While year-over-year comparisons are improving, unfortunately, the freight market remains in a recession.”  American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted (SA) For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index decreased 1% in November after increasing 0.8% in October. In November, the index equaled 113.7 (2015=100) compared with 114.9 in October, ATA said.

California Backs Off Drayage Diesel Ban — For Now 

California’s Air Resources Board said it won’t enforce an impending ban on diesel trucks registering to work at the ports, just the latest in a string of setbacks for the regulator.

Truck Tonnage Falls 1.2% in November 

Truck tonnage slipped in November as the industry’s freight recession lingers, but conditions are poised to ease heading into next year, American Trucking Associations said with the release of its For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index for the month. “We continued to see a choppy 2023 for truck tonnage into November,” ATA Chief Economist Bob Costello said in the Dec. 19 release. The index fell 1.2% to 113.7 compared with 114.7 in November 2022. On a sequential basis, the index fell 1% from 114.9 in October. https://www.ttnews.com/articles/truck-tonnage-falls-1123 (Transport Topics) 

Congress Again Eyes Massive Trucking Insurance Hike 

Reps. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (D-Illinois) and Hank Johnson (D-Georgia) introduced the “Fair Compensation for Truck Crash Victims Act” on Dec. 22. A bill has been introduced that would, if passed and signed into law, increase the minimum liability insurance requirements for interstate motor carriers from $750,000 to $5 million.

UCR Fees to Increase by 25% in 2025, FMCSA Says 

Proposed fees for Unified Carrier Registration Plan participants in 2025 will be raised by about 25% compared with 2024 fees, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration announced Jan. 9.  Fees for the 2025 registration year would be increased above the fees for the 2024 registration year by amounts between $9 and $9,000 per entity, depending on the applicable fee bracket. The proposal is based upon a recommendation from the UCR Plan. 

Trucking’s Best Defense Against Predatory Towing: A Step-by-Step Guide 

recent report from the American Transportation Research Institute lays bare the shocking statistics. In 2021, 82.7% of carriers reported being overcharged by towing companies. Another 82% said they’d been hit with ridiculous accessorial fees to jack up the price.

Sneak Attacks: How Can Carriers, Drivers Guard Against Fuel Card Skimmers? 

The problem is growing. “Overall, the FBI reports an increase of 700% of card skimming at all businesses in the first six months of 2022,” he continued. A fleet of 100 trucks might pay $20,000 a month in fraudulent charges. However, the impact of these charges goes beyond the company’s financial bottom line.

Supreme Court Declines to Rule on Broker Liability 

The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear a case that deals with whether brokers can be held liable for crashes involving motor carriers they hired, leaving a patchwork of federal court precedent on the issue. On Monday, Jan. 8, the U.S. Supreme Court denied Ying Ye’s petition to hear her case against GlobalTranz. Ye asked the high court to find the broker liable for a truck crash that killed her husband. 

Put Your Best Foot Forward in 2024 With the ‘5-5-5 Rule’ 

The 5-5-5 Rule breaks up your wellness routine into simple, achievable steps that even the busiest road warriors can fit into their day. We’re talking taking 15 minutes out of your day: five minutes focused on mental health, five minutes of uplifting reading, and five minutes intentional movement. These tiny nuggets of “me time” can make a bigger impact than any New Year’s resolution. Buckle up, and let’s dive in! 

Berkshire Hathaway Acquires Remaining 20% Stake of Pilot Travel Centers 

In a quick turnaround from a contentious courtroom battle, Berkshire Hathaway has acquired Pilot Company’s remaining 20% stake of Pilot Travel Centers. Berkshire now owns 100% of Pilot Travel Centers.

Class 8 Sales Fall for Fifth Consecutive Month in December 

Class 8 retail truck sales in December fell year-over-year for a fifth consecutive month, Wards Intelligence data showed, but full-year 2023 sales ended 4.9% higher compared with 2022.

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