
Dave Creer 1947 – 2020

Dear Trucking Association Members and Friends,

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the death of an industry icon.  David Moyle Creer passed way early Wednesday morning, April 22, 2020 after a 3 1/2 year battle with Leukemia.  Dave served as the association’s Executive Director for nearly 20 years and was a strong, outgoing and gregarious leaders.  Recently, many association members were able to attend a reception in his honor.  It was great to have an opportunity  to visit with Dave and to express our love and appreciation to him personally.  He was in great spirits and as always his keen sense of humor drove the event.  Dave was known for his enormous personality which made him a terrific advocate for the association and trucking in its totality.  He loved being part of the trucking industry and being associated with such good people.  Just a week or so ago, he exchanged text messages with the association staff regarding an article that we were quoted regarding COVID-19.  He wanted to be sure we had a copy so that it could be distributed to our members.  He expressed how happy he was to see a positive story about trucking.  Dave was a great man and we will be forever influenced by his example and friendship.  The link below will connect to Dave’s obituary.  We offer our condolences to Dave’s family and countless friends with deepest sympathy to his wife Joan and their children Josh (Katie), Kathryn, Susannah Wixom (Nate), Laura Ball (Brad), Dan (Caitlin), and James (Ashley) and Joan and Dave’s 20 grandchildren.

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